Established April 28, 2011
The Vermont Bowhunters Association, VBA, was established as a Vermont Non-Profit Corporation on April 28, 2011, and as a Federal 501(C)(3) in 2019 but its official beginning was September 12, 2010. Six bowhunters met in Danville to discuss the need for a statewide organization that would unite Vermont’s bowhunters and represent their views and concerns about topics that were important to bowhunting. At that meeting, the six decided to form the VBA and to get as many people involved in the process as they could.
Soon more hunters joined the group, working on the process of forming a legitimate state and federally recognized association. Even during that process, the founders were working on the issues.

What has/is the Vermont Bowhunters Association doing for you?
Formation of an “Archery Only” moose season. Adopted by the State in 2011.
Extended Archery Season and increased opportunities to hunt. The bow season is now October 1 and through December 15 and it is closed during the regular gun season.
Special Youth Bow Season. Has not been adopted at this time.
Limited Deer and Bear Baiting Seasons. Has not been adopted at this time.
Expand archery opportunities around the State. We sponsor at least three 3-D shoots around the state every year.
Host events where archers can meet and talk about the issues or just gab about hunting. We have multiple “Open Houses” around the State partnering with local shops and businesses. That number is always growing.
Working with the Fish and Wildlife Department and Board. We were invited to help with the development of the new 10-Year Big Game Management Plan that greatly increases bowhunting seasons and opportunities. Also we co-sponsored the Field to Fork Program with the Department.
We produce the “Green Card”--the schedule for 3-D shoots around the region.
Launched the Partnering Shops/Businesses Program and offer VBA Bucks.
Launched the Landowner/Hunter Cooperative
For more information on any of these initiatives please contact us!